During my life, I have experienced countless coincidences. While some had natural explanations, to me, many were distinctly spiritual.

I would suspect that most people at some point in their lives have experienced at least one “coincidence” or a “highly improbable event.” For example, out of the blue, you start thinking about an old friend you lost touch with years ago. Then a few minutes later you get a call from your old buddy. Was it just a fluke?

You have an impulsive urge to visit a place where you have never been before and end up finding your soul mate in the process. Are such happenstances merely a matter of chance or is there something else at work? 

After my eleven-year clash with the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) was completed, I collected my old research to begin work on this book, however, I had no clue what the title was going to be. After batting around a few ideas I had for a title with my wife, by chance, one day I was discussing my new work with a friend. We were just sitting around talking about all the twists and turns I had experienced during my life. When I was about halfway through, my friend turned to me and asked inquisitively, “All coincidences, you say?” Instinctually I replied, “You can call them coincidences, but I would say, Acts of God.”

Like my friend, I am sure many will chalk my life experiences up to twists of fate or luck, but it did give me a great title. As a result of that short conversation, “Coincidence, you say?”, became the name of this book.

I hope my story and all its coincidences will help you with your journey through this adventure we call life and help you make sense out of all the unanticipated twists and turns that took place over your lifetime.